
Cryptocurrency API allows merchants to get some information about cryptocurrencies, that may be used during invoice creation



Cryptocurrency entity represents single cryptocurrency

Type may be imported as:

import type { Cryptocurrency } from '@simplepay-ai/api-client';

Type definition:

interface Cryptocurrency {
     * Cryptocurrency ID
     * @example '4967cf90-ce74-4edf-9b4e-f6392de1c95a'
    id: string;

     * Cryptocurrency symbol
     * @example 'USDT'
    symbol: string;

     * Cryptocurrency name
     * @example 'Tether'
    name: string;

     * Number of decimal places
     * @example 18
    decimals: number;

     * Is stablecoin
     * @example true
    stable: boolean;

     * List of blockchains in which cryptocurrency may be accepted
    networks?: Network[];

     * Conversion rates to fiat currencies
     * Key is ISO 4217 alphabetic code of fiat currency
     * Value is price for 1 coin
     * @example {
     *   USD: 1,
     *   EUR: 0.98
     * }
     * @see
    rates?: CryptocurrencyRates;


Network entity represents single blockchain network

Type may be imported as:

import type { Network } from '@simplepay-ai/api-client';

Type definition:

interface Network {
     * Network ID
     * @example '7639e9e4-6306-46a9-9acc-cc943d0d0c60'
    id: string;

     * Network symbol
     * @example 'ethereum'
    symbol: string;

     * Network name
     * @example 'Ethereum'
    name: string;

     * Network type
     * @example 'EVM'
    type: string;


CryptocurrencyRates entity is an object with conversion rates to fiat currencies

Key is ISO 4217 alphabetic code of fiat currency

Value is price for 1 coin

Type may be imported as:

import type { CryptocurrencyRates } from '@simplepay-ai/api-client';

Type definition:

interface CryptocurrencyRates {
    [key: string]: number;


List cryptocurrencies

Request type definition:

type CryptocurrencyListRequest = {
     * Return cryptocurrencies for specific App ID
     * @example 'db50e5fc-1b91-49c4-8b6a-d33a44ffdda5'
    appId?: string;

     * Include cryptocurrency rates in response
     * @default false
    rates?: boolean;

     * Include networks list in response
     * @default false
    networks?: boolean;

Validation errors type definition:

export type CryptocurrencyListErrors = {
    appId?: 'uuid4';
    rates?: 'boolean';
    networks?: 'boolean';

Method call example:

import type { CryptocurrencyListRequest, HttpError } from '@simplepay-ai/api-client';

try {
    const request: CryptocurrencyListRequest = {
        // Request is optional and may be omitted

    const cryptocurrencies = await api.cryptocurrency.list(request);

} catch (e) {
    if (e instanceof HttpError) {
        const error = e as HttpError;


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